Fencing Your Pool

Three Steps To Take Before Installing A Fence On Your Property

Having a fenced-in yard can help improve safety and security for your home, pets, and children. If you don't already have a fence, you may want to consider this project as your next home upgrade. However, there are some steps you should take before having your fencing contractor get started to ensure that the project goes smoothly. Use the following guide to prepare for your fence installation.

Check Your Property Line

Property line disputes can sometimes result when a fence is installed between two parcels of land. Check with your local government to find a recent survey of your property, and partner with your contractor to ensure proper placement of the fence. You may also want to reach out to your neighbors about your new fence. Share the survey data along with the line for where the fence will go. If any of the neighbors adjacent to your property have an issue, it's better to resolve it before you spend the money on a fence instead of after.

Contact Local Utility Companies

Gas, telephone, electricity, and water lines can all be found underground, and some of them may be running through your property. Digging into the earth to secure fence posts can mean potentially coming into contact with utility lines, and this can be dangerous. Contact all of the utility companies in advance to confirm the presence of lines on your property. The companies may be able to come out and stake flags in the ground indicating where their lines are situated. Your fencing contractor can then use this information to safely install your fence.

Review Local Regulations

Some local governments and homeowner's associations have specific rules and regulations regarding fences. There may be limits on the height you can choose for your fence. You may also find that privacy fences aren't allowed on corner lots where the fencing might obstruct the view of oncoming traffic for motorists. Some HOAs may require only certain materials or designs to be used for your fence installation project. Be sure to check for any restrictions in advance, and ask your fencing contractor to help ensure your compliance with these regulations. Your contractor can also help you obtain any permits required by your local government before construction begins.

Once these hurdles are cleared, you are free to start installing the fence on your property. Discuss the height design and materials with your contractor to ensure the right look and security features to keep your home secure and looking great with a brand-new fence.