Fencing Your Pool

Questions To Ask Before Buying A Wrought Iron Fence

Beautiful, distinctive wrought iron fencing can be the perfect choice when you need to balance appearance with function. Wrought iron makes a bold, but classical statement in front and side yards where the fencing is open to public view. Although attractive, wrought iron also provides a functional barrier that can help improve the security of your property. The following guide can help you choose your fence and prepare for your installation.

Why are you installing the fence?

There are many reasons to install fencing, but security from outside threats and protection of things on the property are the two most common. For these purposes, taller fences with a deterrent to climbing on top, such as spiked iron finials on each picket, work well. The open picket style of iron fencing also provides security by allowing your neighbors to see if someone is sneaking around your yard.

What features in your yard must you work around?

Every yard has certain features that can impact fence placement. For example, if there is a fire hydrant on your property, your fence must pass behind it so it is still accessible. Another common issue is sloping. A slope can result in a large gap beneath an iron fence that is installed in pre-constructed panels, so you may need to have the fencing on slopes custom designed if you don't want there to be any gaps.

Are there children or pets on your property?

The spacing of the pickets is important if there are pets and children on the property. You want the pickets close enough together so a pet or child can't squeeze through or get their head stuck. It's also wise to avoid a large space underneath the fence, as that could allow a pet to escape. Further, gates need to be nearly flush to the ground with no spaces around them for a child to get through.

Will anything interfere with maintenance tasks?

Iron fences are not a maintenance-free option. They do need to be periodically sanded to remove any rust, as well as repainted so fresh rust doesn't form. This isn't a frequent chore, but it must be done. Placing the fence too closely to large landscaping plants like bushes can make this task impossible to complete without harming the bush, so you want enough space between the fence and any landscaping so you can easily access the fence. It's also a good idea to avoid placing a fence right up against the house or other structures for similar reasons.

For more help, contact an ornamental iron fence company like F & W Fence Company, Inc. in your area.